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Logo of Authentic Movement Soul Freedom featuring the name and a radiant heart symbolizing authenticity and holistic healing.

Helping you go
from feeling lonely,
and disconnected... being seen, understood,
embraced, grounded, and deeply connected with your Inner Self!

Maria Lentzou in a serene Authentic Movement pose, embodying a sense of deep connection and grounding, symbolizing the journey from loneliness to being embraced and understood.

I know you want to
find a Sanctuary for your Sensitive Soul...

You're navigating a world that often feels too loud, too fast, too much.

You're an introvert, highly sensitive, a creative soul, or a free spirit—or maybe all—craving a quiet space to simply be. Yet, amidst the daily hustle, finding that space to reconnect with your body and emotions seems like a distant dream.

You deserve more than fleeting moments of peace. You deserve a sanctuary where your sensitivity is accepted and celebrated—a place where slow mornings, deep introspection, and gentle self-exploration are the norm.

The journey to self-love and emotional embrace is not solitary, nor is it your burden to carry alone. The world's demands have led you to disconnect, but within you lies a radiant heart, yearning for freedom and depth.

Maria Lentzou in Authentic Movement, in a fetal self-embrace pose, symbolizing a journey towards embracing emotional depth, creativity, and sensitivity as assets for personal growth and self-discovery.

... a safe space to embrace your emotional world.

Imagine a space where your emotions are not overwhelming waves but a source of strength and wisdom. Where your creative spirit and sensitivity are not vulnerabilities but vibrant assets.

~ You've been told to toughen up, to hide your sensitivity 

~ ...but you've felt the cost of this inauthenticity—a disconnection from your true self and the richness of your emotional and creative life.

This dissonance is not a reflection of your inadequacy but a sign of a world that struggles to embrace depth and sensitivity. You're not alone in feeling trapped by the 'shoulds' and 'musts' that stifle your authentic expression.

You're ready for a transformation—a journey from self-doubt to self-love, from emotional turmoil to inner peace.


Great news!

It's entirely possible to connect deeply with your authentic self, experience the liberation of your emotions, and express your genuine expression and innermost feelings with confidence and joy

How do I know?

I've walked your path—navigating through feelings of loneliness, unworthiness, and self-rejection for being "different", seeking a deeper connection with myself, and struggling against the constraints that life often imposes.

That's when I discovered
Authentic Movement.

I stopped believing that self-discovery and genuine expression were just lofty ideals. I dove deep into the Authentic Movement practice, creativity, and holistic integration, transforming my life into a vibrant tapestry of experiences filled with the richness of true self-awareness and the joy of living authentically.

Because I believe embracing your whole being is one of the most liberating journeys you can undertake, I explored every facet of my heart~mind~body~soul to develop a space where others could do the same—achieving holistic fulfillment and embracing the freedom of their true selves.


What is Authentic Movement?

Watch me dive into its essence in just 2min

Authentic Movement with maria lentzou

Authentic Movement with maria lentzou

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The beauty of Authentic Movement lies in its simplicity and power to heal, inspire, and transform. It's about embracing every part of yourself, quieting the inner critic, and letting your true self emerge and move freely. Through this practice, you'll find a haven for expression, creativity, and personal insight, allowing you to navigate life's paradoxes gracefully and deepen your empathy for yourself and others.

Authentic Movement Soul Freedom
Your Sanctuary for Holistic Self-Exploration and Genuine Expression

Vibrant seascape at sunset, capturing the movement and serenity of the ocean, symbolizing the dynamic nature of our emotional world in the journey of Authentic Movement Soul Freedom.

"Your visions will become clear
only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakes."

Carl G. Jung

How You Can Engage

Join Our Authentic Movement Healing Sessions

A Holding Space for Your Heart~Mind~Body~Soul

What Movers Say

"The Authentic Movement group is a space I can come to for spiritual growth and practice

where I am able to engage with myself and my process in the presence of a witness.

Having a group to attend regularly is an ongoing exploration,

and it allows me to feel more aligned, in touch, supported, and connected.

After each encounter I feel more self-accepting, more grounded, and more peaceful."  

—  Lauren, Psychotherapist

Upcoming Workshops

  • Explore Authentic Movement
    Explore Authentic Movement
    Sun, Oct 20
    Studio Valencia
    Oct 20, 2024, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
    Studio Valencia, 455A Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
    Rediscovering authenticity is about returning to the essence of who you are. In a world filled with noise and distractions, this workshop provides a sanctuary to strip away external expectations and connect deeply with yourself, embracing simplicity, inner peace, and genuine self-expression.
  • An Intimate Date for Couples
    An Intimate Date for Couples
    Time is TBD
    San Francisco
    Time is TBD
    San Francisco, 455A Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
    Do you feel like doing something different, playful and meaningful with your partner on a weekday evening? Come to the Authentic Movement SF experience for Couples, a date designed to help you strengthen connection and enhance intimacy through loving presence, playful movement, and non-sexual touch.

Are you ready for an adventure?
Travel to Greece in the summer!


TBA, 2026  •  GREECE 

 Embody your Feminine Essence
Embrace your Soulful Journey

What are you waiting for?

The time is now to explore and celebrate your feminine essence within a loving community of like-hearted women...

...dive deep into a transformative experience at the Feminine Wholeness Retreat and connect with the profound wisdom of your heart~mind~body~soul. Uncover the layers of your being in a safe and supportive environment. Your journey to wholeness awaits.

Silhouette of three women dancing freely with hands raised, embracing the freedom and unity at sunrise or sunset during the Feminine Wholeness Retreat.
Ebook cover of 'Embrace Your Radiant Heart' featuring a woman forming a heart around the sunset, offering insights into transforming life from self-rejection to deep self-love.

Discover the 3 Essential Truths to Inner Healing...

...that transformed my life from self-hatred to deep self-love and can change yours, too!

Read "Embrace Your Radiant Heart" for FREE.

Success! Check your inbox for the eBook link.

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Authentic Movement
Soul Freedom

Maria Lentzou, LMFT, NTP
San Francisco, CA

Icon version of the Authentic Movement Soul Freedom logo, symbolizing the core essence of Maria Lentzou's wellness practice.

© 2024 by maria.  Terms of usePrivacy Policy.

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