What makes us run?
What makes us rush?
What needs to happen to be happy now?
What needs to happen to feel fulfilled now?
Our bodies may stay alert for reasons our minds consider ‘important,’ but in reality, these reasons—often artificial and imposed by others—may not serve our souls. The less our happiness depends on external outcomes, and the more our fulfillment comes from within, the less we need to struggle to achieve anything.
When we are at peace with what is, achievement becomes fun, exciting, and enticing—without the struggle. When we find ourselves struggling again, it’s a sign we may be chasing something shiny on the outside but empty to our soul. We have sidetracked and lost what really matters. Fun and joy are inherent to living wholeheartedly, though it’s easy to forget when we are struggling to survive.
In happiness and fulfillment, we are naturally in a state of peace. A state of peace finds beauty in simplicity; it does not need anything because ‘what is’ is already perfect as it is.

These different states also happen in Authentic Movement. When we are after a specific result or fighting our inner experience because it feels uncomfortable or because we think it shouldn’t be happening, we are at war with ourselves; we are struggling. But peace can never happen when we are running away.
When we surrender to what is without expecting it to change, be different, or be significant, we can let go of our expectations, pain, and struggles and accept the moment and ourselves as we are. We then find beauty in simplicity—the simplicity of our whole being in existence now.
Of course, we are dynamic beings, and life is a constant flow. We move from moments of struggle to moments of happiness, fulfillment, and inner peace. But what if we are not just slaves to our survival instincts but more aware of our human spirits, which can consciously choose? What if we can consciously choose which moments we want to spend our lives in more?
I guess that’s a choice we can make every day—the choice of struggle or the choice of finding beauty in simplicity. And each choice needs our compassion.
May we be more compassionate with ourselves for the choices we make every day.
And may our choices align more deeply with the longings of our souls each day.