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The Retreat is limited to 16 participants.

Extra Bonus: One 1-to-1 session with maria, when you pay in full.

Payment plans are available.​
Receive an
$800 gift when you join together with a cherished woman.

Airfare is NOT included.

Maria Lentzou in a serene Authentic Movement pose, embodying a sense of deep connection and grounding, symbolizing the journey from loneliness to being embraced and understood.
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Bio Photo Maria Lentzou, LMFT, NTP.jpeg
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Embodied Feminine Workshops

Groups for Women

Be Inspired



As women in our everyday life we embody a wide spectrum of roles, from the more traditional ones of the wife, mother, and daughter to the more independent, self-sufficient and alchemical models of leaders, activists, artists and healers. Some of these expressions are more familiar and comfortable to us, and some we struggle to fulfill the best we can.


This is a series of seven, 3h each, experiential workshops for women, in which we explore together, recover and celebrate the  spectrum of our female identity. Women have traits that are colorful, multifaceted, strong and vulnerable, just like the rainbow qualities that we can find in the archetypes of the Greek Goddesses.

We use Greek myths, Authentic Movement explorations and Expressive Art activities to invoke the qualities of the powerful archetypes of the Greek goddesses in our embodied presence and gain insights to become a better “heroine” in your own life story.​


As Jean Shinoda Bolen describes in her book “Goddesses in Every Woman”, the inner archetypes of the Greek goddesses can reveal intimate truths about ourselves. These archetypes are powerful inner patterns, forces within that influence what we do and how we feel. When we are able to understand them, we gain powerful insights that provide the key to self-knowledge and wholeness.


Each workshop is independent and dedicated to one of the Greek goddesses to help you develop their unique qualities. For full description see further below.


I appreciate the spaciousness of our art and movement practices in the workshops. I feel enough room and supportive femininity to let energy bubble up unexpectedly. It feels freeing and healing. These goddesses are rad.


The Goddess workshops with Maria are exciting, playful, creative, informative, and fun. I leave feeling more grounded and touched by the space we have created as a group.

My inner child is grateful.

What Women Say

Workshop Calendar

coming in January 2023

The Virgin Goddesses :
Hestia, Artemis, Athena



TBA tend the inward fire and find your way back to center.


Hestia, goddess of the hearth, embodies the patient and steady woman who finds comfort in solitude and exudes a sense of intactness and wholeness.



$55 - 110



TBA strengthen your assertiveness and honor sisterhood.


Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon, personifies the independent, achievement-oriented feminine spirit that enables you to seek your own goals.


$55 - $110



TBA connect to your wisdom and focus on what matters.


Athena, goddess of wisdom and craft, represents the logical, self-assured woman,  the strategist who can stay calm in the midst of conflict.



$55 - $110

The Vulnerable Goddesses :
Hera, Demeter, Persephone



TBA deepen your capacity to bond and honor your commitments


Hera, goddess of marriage and commitment maker, provides woman's ability to be loyal and faithful, to endure and go through difficulties with a partner.



$55 - $110



TBA invite abundance in life and nourish your inner child


Demeter, goddess of grain and the maternal archetype, represents a woman’s drive to provide physical, emotional and spiritual sustenance for her children  and others.


$55 - $110



TBA live up to your desires and open your heart to the numinous


Persephone, maiden and queen of the underworld, allows a woman to seem eternally youthful and expresses her capacity to grow and mature as a spiritual guide.


$55 - $110

The Alchemical Goddess :



TBA awaken your sensuality and enjoy the sensory experiences of your body 


Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, the alchemical goddess governing a woman’s enjoyment of love and beauty, sexuality, and sensuality, impels women to fulfill both creative and procreative functions.


$55 - $110

Let your powerful, beautiful, and wise female soul 

to emerge and blossom!

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